Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. The term was adopted in 1994 by Marsh, within the European contexts, to describe and further design good practice as achieved in different types of school environment where teaching and learning take place in a language – which is not a student’s native language – thus providing challenging language-learning opportunities for the young. The pillars of this methodology are: The 4Cs Framework: Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture; Bloom’s taxonomy (revised by Anderson and Karthwohl) for LOTS and HOTS; The language Triptych: language of learning, language for learning and language through learning; Cummins’ quadrant for BICS and CALP. The reference background is given by the White Paper for Education and Training (1995), the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at school in Europe (2006), the European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education (2012), and in Italy  the law of reformation of upper-secondary education (Riforma Gelmini, 2010), which states the introduction of CLIL into school curricula.

In this section documents, articles and presentations can be found.

European Framework for CLILScholarsCouncil of Europe
L’insegnante CLIL: un nuovo profilo professionalePaggiaroOnline article
CLIL comePaggiaroPresentation corso Bari 2014
Programmare CLILPaggiaroPresentation corso Siena 2013
Reflective CLIL teacherPaggiaroPresentation corso Cafre 2013
Percorso formazione CLILPaggiaroArticolo lend 2018