What could I say about me?

English teacher trainer - Luisanna Paggiaro
“Hi, my name is Luisanna!”

I am an English teacher trainer

What could I say about my personal and professional story? Certainly, that it is quite long and so rich in events that it is very hard for me to disentangle its strings in order to introduce myself.

After my university studies in Pisa I taught English language and literature at the Liceo “F. Buonarroti” and I was an initial teacher training supervisor at the SSIS TOSCANA: in such a way I started working as a teacher trainer for foreign language and CLIL teachers, cooperating with schools, the University of Pisa, regional and provincial authorities, and two professional associations (lend-lingua e nuova didattica and ANFIS).

Bike tour – From Amsterdam to London (2016)

Who really am I?

If I had to find some terms that could define myself in my personal life I would choose: cyclist, swimmer, amateur pianist and painter. The first two terms refer to my desire “to run” through the two immense spaces of nature and the sea, toiling up a hill or snorkelling for long time, but also enjoying the landscape, the sun and the bright colours of woods and villages, the darkness of the mysterious seabed.  The second terms show my passion for music and art and my desperate attempts to play the piano and paint.

Finally, as a wife, a mother and a grandma I try to live my family and daily life with a joyful and well-balanced attitude.

“May is the month of poppies and also of the birth of my blog: that’s why I’ve chosen this photo among the many I usually take while walking or cycling.”

Objectives from this blog

I would like to achieve the following objectives through this blog: 

to keep in touch with the school and its “actors” in order to be updated about the latest developments and take part in the processes of change;

to let people have access to the resources and materials I have produced throughout time or I have found interesting and useful.

I hope this may arouse interest and stimulate a dialogue with colleagues and students, in which communication and exchange will be fruitful for everybody.