
This section opens the ones dedicated to the literary genres and is aimed at collecting and examining the novelists of the literature in English (English, American, postcolonial, etc.) through a methodological approach. In fact,  our objectives are as follows: to facilitate the reading of past and present authors, to present texts and themes to the young for their knowledge and cultural development, to arouse discussions on characters and stories and to stir up ideas, feelings and expectations for storytelling. 

Here didactic materials on literature can be found.

Dickens’s charactersPaggiaroPresentation lend webinar: 4th December 2020
Dickens’s settingsPaggiaroPresentation lend webinar: 4th December 2020
Dickens as a man and a storytellerPaggiaroPresentation ISISS Cicognini-Rodari: 20th September 2021
La Londra di Virginia WoolfPaggiaroPresentazione Uni.De.A: 13 dicembre 2021